RESA Vice President Thanks RESA Volunteers

I’d like to personally thank each and every RESA member who served in leadership in 2018.  I am so grateful for the dedication, commitment and compassion of the 250 leaders who have given their time, energy and resources to our association.

Local chapter support would not be possible without members like you, who see the benefit of coming together to share ideas and solutions that benefit our industry and volunteer to lead and give back to your communities.  You have not only decided to ‘talk the talk’ but also to ‘walk the walk’ and give your most valuable commodity, your time.
On behalf of the RESA Team, our Board, and our members, I would like to say THANK YOU for your support and all you do for this amazing industry.
On a personal note, I hope you all know how much I respect and appreciate each and every one of you.  Each year our industry grows, and each year I have the privilege of collaborating with and learning from inspiring individuals who have made the decision to give back to their fellow colleagues and advance professionalism in this industry.  I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings!
Gina Vierra, Vice President of RESA
If you would like information about opportunities to volunteer with RESA, please contact me
Gina Vierra

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