3 Reasons Your Staging Business Needs a Bookkeeper

Home staging business needs a bookkeeper.

It’s easy to overlook bookkeeping as a small business owner, especially if you’re just starting out. But what happens when you start sending more invoices, opening more purchase orders, and start processing payroll? Tracking numbers by hand gets overwhelming and the likelihood of human error increases. Even if manual methods work well for you, outsourcing to a professional will give you more piece of mind and time to focus on running your business.

Here are three reasons your staging business needs a bookkeeper:

1. Avoid penalties

Doing your own bookkeeping requires juggling various financial components of your staging business; drop any of them and penalties ensue. Even the slightest delay or error due could have you digging deeper into your pockets. Why pay penalties you can avoid? A professional bookkeeper will always make sure you’re up to date and in compliance.

2. Pay less in taxes

The majority of small business owners spend more than 41 hours on tax preparation each year. Stop parsing through scribbled journals and confusing spreadsheets. A professional bookkeeper will save you time and money by offering expertise on ways to pay less and optimize your return.   

3. Improve cash flow 

Every small business owner, no matter how successful, has cash flow concerns. Preventative maintenance and proactive planning is the winning combination here, which is exactly what a professional bookkeeper will do for you. They will implement a number of strategies and methods to ensure all your bases are covered (profit, taxes, payroll, etc.). At SMG, we’re big fans of the Profit First method! 

Reduce risk, improve your bottom line, and start achieving future goals with a professional bookkeeper. See how SMG can start helping your small business today

RESA® Members – If your business needs a bookkeeper SMG is offering current RESA® members a free business health check and/or a free thirty-minute consultation through March 15th, 2023.

Silvia Guardado

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