Kristine Vowles Participates In An Annual Career Fest for Youth

Kristine Vowles owner of The Luxury Look, and RESA’s Arizona State and Phoenix Chapter President, was invited to participate in the Annual Career Fest. She conducted 8 break out sessions on the topic “How to Become a Home Stager” to a group of 1500 high school students. This event is a collaboration of multiple schools and is held annually.

The event featured over 50 different fields and industries with break out sessions, panel discussions, food, music and networking.


Kristine was thrilled that so many of the youth that signed up for her class, also brought their parents. She had a nice surprise when other speakers that are in the real estate, investing and design industries took time to join her class and make connections.

It was a great day giving back and sharing information about Home Staging. Seeing so many students willing to give up a whole Saturday to go back to school to get educated on options for their future and careers was wonderful to see, and I was extremely proud to have been invited to participate.
– Kristine Vowles
Felicia Pulley
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