Getting To Know Stacy Korte From The RESA Phoenix Chapter

Staged by Stacy Korte

The RESA Phoenix Chapter was started in July of 2017 and has formed to 20 members from Arizona. They meet the second Monday a month to network, share ideas, and learn from industry professionals about how they can grow their home staging business.

In January the RESA Phoenix Chapter welcomed in the 2019 board members. The board members on our local RESA chapters volunteer their time and expertise to help grow and navigate the chapters business and promote professionalism in home staging. Stacy Korte was elected as the 2019 RESA Phoenix Chapter Secretary. I had a chance to ask Stacy a few questions to get to know her a little bit better.

Stacy Korte owner of Stacy M Home Staging and Redesign is from Mesa, AZ and has been professionally staging homes in and around Phoenix Metro area since March of 2018 after she graduated from HSR. She is a mom of three boys and truly loves creating cozy transformations.

Learn more about Stacy Korte

What are you most excited for in 2019 in regards to your local chapter?

I am looking forward to reaching our goals which revolve around supporting one another and lifting each other up with professional accountability and successful marketing strategies.

What is your favorite meal after a long day of staging?

I love walking into my home to the smell of a slow cooked pot roast. That paired with a nice glass of wine is always a great meal. Or TACOS!

What is your best advice for anyone who is looking to get into the staging industry?

My best advice is to ask yourself if you have that natural eye to transform spaces and create emotional connections. If you don’t have that natural passion and talent for everything interior styling, decor and redesign, you will lose that true inner joy that I believe fuels our industry.

Learn more about Stacey here.

Felicia Pulley
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