Becky Harmon Invites You To RESACON 2019

If you are stressed, over-worked and under-paid, we have an answer for you… RESACON… the biggest and most valuable conference in our industry. It’s like a spa for your brain. The best leaders in many categories will be pouring wisdom and strategy into you for several days. Sign-up for RESACON now while the price is still low,  they sell out every year. Don’t wait till the last minute!!

Going to RESA conventions is like getting intermediate and advanced training on steroids!! The cost of a Master class can be 3 and 4 times the cost of RESACON!! It’s Vegas Baby!! We have challenged Florida to show up so we have the biggest attendance ever this year!

So, I challenge you all to support your state leadership by showing up in big numbers. Share a room. Whatever it takes, make it happen.

*Also, everyone can support our industry by voting for the Home Staging Industry Awards. I am offering my newly updated online certification class for some lucky voter. Value $750. All you need to do is login and vote for at least one category in the Awards.

Transformations Staging & Redesign is celebrating 13 years as a training provider. We have been in partnership and leadership with RESA since 2010. Please, please, please visit your local chapter. It is one of the best benefits of membership.

Sending some Florida sunshine your way!


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