Accountability Challenge At RESACON 2019

Participate In Our Accountability Challenge At RESACON 2019


By popular demand, we are excited to bring back the RESA Accountability Challenge to this year’s RESA Convention in Las Vegas!

I have formed so many lasting relationships from my experiences at RESACON. You might think that you are going for the 20 speaker sessions, and the beautiful resort, but you are going for so much more. In addition to meeting new vendors that can help you to grow your business, you will also meet hundreds of home stagers from across the globe. Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, you won’t believe the instant connections that you will make. To help you along and ensure that you really maximize your RESACON experience, we created the RESA Accountability Challenge. Not only will you gain 10 new friends from this challenge, but you will also get an accountability partner, helping you to keep on top of your goals following the event and beyond!


Here’s how it works:

– Connect with 10 people at the event – meet them, learn a little something about them, and record their name on our challenge sheet (inside your RESACON workbook). Keep in mind that you don’t need to stop at 10, but that’s all that we need for the purpose of this challenge. We encourage you to keep going, the possibilities are endless!
– Once you have completed your list of 10, choose 1 person to be your accountability partner
– Submit your list to Shauna Lynn Simon or Tori Toth at RESACON 2019 (must attend to participate)

You will then be entered into a draw to win a fantastic prize (stay tuned for details)! As well, you will be granted access to our exclusive RESA Accountability Rockstars Facebook group where you can connect with other partners, and share stories and tips for success!

There are just a few rules (trust us, we know what we’re talking about with these, you will thank us later) :

– You may choose to keep this relationship as a duo, or a trio, but we recommend limiting your group to no more than 3
– You cannot live in the same city as your accountability partner – the greater the geographical distance between you, the better
– It takes 2 to make things go right (it takes 2 to make it out of sight) – truer words were never spoken
If you’re ready to become a RESA Accountability Rockstar, join us in Las Vegas July 25-27th at M Resort! Learn more here.
Shauna Lynn Simon
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