Be Prepared To Get The Most Out Of RESACON

As a RESACON attendee, with so much available, how do you plan your days?  When you plan to attend an event, prepare with purpose. There are many people to greet and things to see. Plan as carefully as if you were going to a theme park and want to get it all in without missing your favorite ride.

Get The Most Out Of RESACON: Think about where you stand in your business today and where you want to be one year from now. Then take what you would like to accomplish and break it down into logical 30, 60, 90, 180, 270 and 360-day increments.

Next, find out more about the event speakers. Who are they? What topics are they covering? Find out more about their businesses. Do they have knowledge or skills that will assist you in completing some of your goals?

Prioritize your break out session attendance to match the goals you want to complete within 90 days. Write out any questions you may have about the various speakers’ topics. If you come with questions, and the presenter does not cover that information in their presentation, you will be ready to ask.

Is there a presenter or a vendor who might be able to provide you with guidance? Speakers are experts who pick up many nuggets of information from people in many businesses. Email and ask for a few minutes of their time. If they are speaking at an event,  they are interested in their topic, in assisting businesses to grow, and in helping attendees.

Though a few will say, “I’m sorry, my schedule is tight,” many will agree to spend time with you. You never know; you might receive just the right nugget of knowledge, at just the right time, to leap your business to the next level!

I look forward to chatting with you at RESACON!


Linda Brown
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