Give Back to Your Trade Association, Become a RESA Leader

The formation of the Real Estate Staging Association is a testament to what a group of dedicated individuals can achieve. We have changed the real estate industry forever by banding together as a trade organization to improve the professionalism and standards of the real estate staging industry. To ensure that our trajectory remains upward, we need our members to volunteer their time, intellect, and energy by serving on our local or national boards. Unity is our strength, read on to discover how you can use your talents to make our community stronger.

RESA’s Mission

Our main goal is to advance the real estate staging industry by continually raising standards and increasing awareness. We have come a long way.

 More than 80% of real estate agents representing buyers said staging made it easier for their buyers to see themselves in the home, according to a 2021 survey by the NAR. And 23% of agents said that home staging led to increased offers between 1% and 5% compared to similar homes that weren’t staged. –

To help our industry reach its potential, we need quality volunteers like you to help steer us.

We Want You

One of the best ways to help RESA continue to grow is to run for a leadership role in the organization.

Each year RESA members who meet certain requirements are encouraged to run for leadership positions within the organization. There are around 40 chapters throughout USA and Canada.

As a leader, you help shape the industry on both a micro and macro scale. Local chapters can help solve specific issues and serve as motivators for a district or small community. In the big picture, all of the RESA leaders help to shape the industry as a whole. 

We need a dedicated team of intelligent individuals to lead us now and into the future. We value diversity of thought and we think the best way to achieve that is to appeal to all RESA members to consider being part of the engine that makes the organization run.

Requirements to be a RESA Leader

We are seeking leaders from all backgrounds and all walks of life. If you have leadership abilities and motivation, you can be a RESA leader. One of the few requirements is you must have a current membership in RESA. We provide training orientation and advanced learning opportunities to prepare our leaders for success.

What’s in it For You?

Volunteer members are the lifeblood of our non-profit trade association but, helping is not a one-way relationship. Many of our current and past leaders express their satisfaction with their decision to volunteer and encourage others to commit as well. A common theme among our members is satisfaction with the knowledge that they are selflessly giving their time to a larger cause. 

Volunteering for a trade association can also help you to advance your career. Every project is a learning experience and you can use those new abilities to advance your professional skillset, these additions also look great on a resume company profile. Additionally, your work can help you make business connections that can benefit you for the rest of your career.

RESA Leaders Talk Leadership from Real Estate Staging Association on Vimeo.

Important 2022 RESA Dates – Volunteer Opportunities Await You!

  • Oct 1-Deadline to apply for candidacy
  • Oct 17th – 21st- Meet Candidates Webinars 
  • Oct 24th – Nov 1st vote
  • November- Orientations and required training
  • Dec-Installation of elected RESA leaders
Since RESA’s formation, the real estate staging industry has flourished. We need the best volunteer leaders to keep up the growth, and we are searching for anyone with the drive and desire to help. If you think you can help steer our industry into the future, consider volunteering for a leadership position. We’ve come so far, and there is so much further to go, but we can’t do it without you.

Click Here to learn more about becoming a RESA Leader!

Gina Vierra

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