Decorating to Sell or Dwell Professional Development Webinar

Sandra Racz 9/27 4PM Pst

Staging IS Decorating! As home stagers, we are decorating to showcase the selling features and attract as many potential buyers as possible.  Yes, even in staging, we need a strong understanding of design principles.  Furniture placement, color balance and the impact of line, shape and form will not only create the visual reaction to a space but also the emotional reaction.

About Sandra Racz

Sandra Racz, cer­ti­fied in Inte­rior Dec­o­rat­ing and Redesign, Home Staging, Color and Seasonal Decorating, offers Home Staging Courses as well as Interior Decorating and Redesign courses.

San­dra is the owner of Sig­na­ture Redesign and wel­comes the oppor­tu­nity to help home­own­ers and busi­ness own­ers to cre­ate beau­ti­ful spaces. Whether dec­o­rat­ing your space with new fur­nish­ings or redesign­ing with the exist­ing fur­nish­ings, Sig­na­ture Redesign respects your lifestyle and bud­get.

She is a fre­quent pre­sen­ter at national con­fer­ences, fea­tured in local news­pa­pers and is a national award win­ner. She offers dec­o­rat­ing work­shops for fun and edu­ca­tion. Sandra’s mis­sion is to help stu­dents become suc­cess­ful in decorating and home staging.  In addition, she helps home­own­ers reach their dec­o­rat­ing goals and homes sell more quickly with home staging.

During our Decorating to Sell or Dwell webinar you will learn:

  • #1 Decorating mistakes made and how to get out of your own way
  • The impact of line, shape and form on perception
  • Three design elements that every room needs

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Felicia Pulley
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