Financial Training for Real Estate Stagers Is Here!

Corporate Finance Institute (CFI) is a leading global provider of online financial modeling and valuation courses for financial analysts that RESA is happy to partner with!

Financial Training for Real Estate Stagers is here!

 Are you a stager who needs to understand the financial aspect of your business?

 Are you at a point in your business where you need to fully understand how finances effect your business?

 Are you hoping to one day sell your staging business and you need to know what to do to prepare it financially?

 Do you want to know how to use Excel more proficiently?

 Do you need to understand how to analyze and forecast?

If you need any of this type of education, the RESA® Advanced Financial Training is for you!

Learn More Here

*RESA Members Log into MORA for a Coupon Code for 10% Off

Felicia Pulley
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