Five Social Media Profit Tips for Stagers

When it comes to social media most home stagers understand the importance of investing time and money into making sure they have an online presence that sets them a part. What a lot of business owners questions is how they can make sure the time and money spent on their social media efforts pay off. Christine Rae of CSP (Certified Staging Professionals) works with a great Social media expert who was willing to share 5 profit tips for stagers.

Stagers and other business owners come to me every week asking the same questions:  How can I make my social media budget and time invested pay off? Can it really bring in business? The quick answer is YES! 

-Eric Johnson, MBA

Here are 5 Profit Tips for home stagers:

1. When it comes to social media marketing, use this as a compass: Direction first, actions second. 

By direction, I mean that you want to clearly know the outcomes you want. Do you want 1 on 1 clients, greater visibility, more referral partners, or something else? 

Once you know your desired outcome, keep your actions and marketing dollars in line with it.

Do not try to achieve too many outcomes at once. If you do, little to nothing will happen. Pick the 1 or 2 outcomes that are in alignment with what you need right now in your business. Ask yourself this: What’s my next best step?


2. Always have one clear Call To Action in your social media profiles, at the end of LinkedIn Articles and blog posts. (P.S. Occasionally, have a CTA in your news feed posts.)

I see stagers losing countless opportunities every day because of dead links, incomplete or boring profiles, and/or mistakes like sharing about their services, but not including a link. 

Always create an easy-to-follow path for your leads. 


3. Have a strong and engaging professional headline on your profiles that directly speaks to your ideal clients.

Who would you reach out to if you read these?  

“Professional Stager in the Ontario Area”…

or “Certified Professional Staging for Luxury Homes. Want to Sell Your Home Fast? Let’s Talk.”? 

The winner is clear. Give your headline a little sizzle so it stands out. 

Spend 15 minutes today brainstorming and revising your professional headline. Write out at least 15 to 20 ideas and pick the best one. Once it’s complete, be sure to use it on your other social media channels.


4. Actively prospect and start conversations by reaching out to new potential clients and referral partners on LinkedIn, even if it’s only 30 minutes a week.

Add this line to your LinkedIn summary: “I’m a LION (LinkedIn Open Networker).” Most users are fine connecting with people they have not met in person. That’s what a LION is. This can also help you come up in search more.

Second, send connection requests to ideal clients and/or referral partners each week. After they’ve accepted your connection request, send out a prospecting message around 30 days later after you’ve liked, commented or shared some of their news feed posts or LinkedIn Articles.

5. Get your social media marketing going, and then work on getting it right. The goal is not perfection, it’s progress.

“I want it to be perfect” is an excuse. Don’t fall for it. Get in action now. 

What’s great about social media is that once you start posting content, your audience will respond back (or not). Their likes, comments and shares are giving you feedback about what they want more of. Listen to them, and adjust your social media marketing accordingly.

Real Estate Staging Association
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