Home Staging Tips For The Winter

Contrary to popular belief, the winter season can very much be an opportune time to put up your house for sale. There is less competition during this period and one is most likely to deal with serious home-buyers who need a house fast. But in order to take full advantage of this season, you must be armed with some invaluable home staging tips and tricks. 

These tips will help give your house an exceptional look which is non-negotiable if you must secure the attention of prospective buyers. The importance of taking out time to stage a home prior to sale cannot be overemphasized. Experts report that it increases the chances of selling and the amount of offer on the property by the scale of 1 to 10 percent, regardless of the season.

 Clean the House Thoroughly

Once winter sets in, most people pay little or no attention to house cleaning and grooming. However when it comes to home staging a house listed for sale, the basics is to clean up and properly arrange every section of the house. Failure to do so would constitute an almost instant turn-off for buyers. This involves amongst other things, thoroughly polishing windows, counters and floors. 

All surfaces and rooms should wear a clean and brilliant sparkle. Don’t forget to throw out unwanted items and any debris in the corners or cupboards. Make use of organizational tools such as cubbies, bins, baskets and trays to keep personal effects handy and well stacked. You can opt for temporary offsite storage to have certain things out of site for the time being.

Another important area you cannot afford to overlook is the outside space, this covers the patio and deck and entrance. You can’t stop the snow from piling up around your house but definitely you can do something about the walkway and entrance to your home. Shovel out the snow covering the walkway and side paths leading to the entrance of the house and the driveway as well. When the patio is submerged in snow, buyers will not only find your house inaccessible but will also be unable to get a clear view of the true size of the property.  


Turn the Lights on

Your house needs a lot more lighting than usual during the winter days. This is essential, because most days will be gloomy and grey, certain places in the house may be poorly lit and out of the reach of sun rays. So how do you fix this? Add more light bulbs or switch to brighter ones. Open up window blinds for a vibrant surge of natural light and ensure that all light bulbs are functional and turned on even when you’re not in.  There’s nothing that can be as depressing to potential buyers as a house with bad or insufficient lighting.


Bring in some Warmth

What about warmth? Do you know that the temperature of your house can have a huge impact on how long a buyers stays it in, and  whether he or she makes a decision in favor of purchasing it or not? A cold and chilly house is never a good idea if you are trying to capture the heart of a buyer. The more cozy and warm your house feels, the longer your buyer wants to stick around to check out the place, then the higher their chances of going for it.  Turning the thermostat up at least a few degrees slightly above 60 can make your house considerably more friendly and inviting. 


Another way to get the place heated up is to set up a functional fire place or to resuscitate one that has been left unattended to. A fire place does not only bring warmth, but also adds a touch of classiness and remarkable aesthetics to the house. You can go for the trending ethanol- burning or a mirrored glass fireplace. In the absence of the fireplace, throw in candles, furs and other things that gives the impression of a warm setting.


Use Mild Decorations

Its winter, the holidays are here, everyone is looking forward to fun moments with family and friends. There’s so much excitement in the air and this can be reflected in your house, as a way of making it stand out and become more alluring. You can use mild and simple winter decoration with neutral colors to elevate the ambience of your house. A big wreath with a bright red bow on the front door, a few twinkling lights and a little Christmas tree might just work the magic but definitely not a life-size Santa Claus or other types of flamboyant holiday decoration. And keeping the decorations after the holidays are over is by no means proper. 


Add Lovely Scents

Excellent home staging does not only stop at making a house look attractive, it must also smell nice and romantic. However, you should be careful not to go overboard with this, as the buyers may feel that that you are trying too hard to win them over. In that regard, avoid air fresheners or other artificial scents. Instead use simmering cinnamon and other sensational natural spices like orange and cloves. These natural spices will blow an irresistible scent of freshness across the house, the memories of it would keep lingering in the buyers mind long after they are gone.


From adding a little more color and creativity to the design, taking care of unsightly corners or getting rid of extra clutter, to making the place a bit warmer and cozy, indeed it’s the little things a home owner overlooks that gives a house slated for sale that compelling look. With the few tips outlined above, you should be right on your way to getting everything ready for the big sale. 


Gil Bar-Lev

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