How to Start Smart and Profit Big in 2019 and Beyond

A thriving staging career requires a continuous commitment to growth. This is true whether you’ve just started your business or are a seasoned pro. Sometimes there is just so much to do you ask “What do I focus on today?”

Here is a simple and easy-to-remember solution for you!

Not only will you start this day/week/month/year smart, you’ll also stay smart by producing more results! And who doesn’t want a more profitable 2019? This powerful technique works. I learned it from author Rory Vaden. You can immediately put this to use.

As you go through the days and weeks you ask “Does this matter?,
Something is important. We do it. It’s done. On to the next task.

That question and the answer is not good enough. It will not fulfill what you want. It will not build dreams, bring you happiness or success, to the extent that is possible. (Ouch!).

Why? Because some of the things that matter only matter for the moment, or only for the day, or only for a small project. They have a short shelf life.

Begin asking THIS question: “How LONG is this going to matter?”

Will it only matter for today?

Or will it matter for a week, a month, longer?

Those answers will shift your approach and your results.

It invites you to move from “living in the weeds” and “short-term thinking” to true long-term thinking that is anchored in your vision.

The answers that come from this question empower you to operate from significance and ROI.

This week, a recent service provider told me that by delegating two actions yesterday, that he created at least 8 new hours for himself each month. That’s 96 hours a year that he now has that he did not have last week! Truth be told, he could have delegated those tasks months ago. Still, consider the huge shift he just created in his business.

The fact that he delegated those tasks is going to “matter” for a very LONG time.

If you cannot delegate yet, grow into it. If you can delegate, do!. Many stagers get stuck in the same patterns. The thought goes like this, “Task X matters. I’ll do it now.” The “I’ll just do it now” thinking can be a problem. It can cost you. It may be costing you a lot of money. It keeps stagers rolling around in the weeds, separated from their visions. There’s lots of activity and energy in the weeds, but the vision is not moving forward. It’s the business version of a merry-go-round… “I’m doing a lot, but I’m not getting anywhere.”

When you ask yourself how long is this going to matter, you might have a variety of answers.

For each task, the answer may be:
Stop doing it
Delegate it
Defer it
Ditch it

The more actions you take that are going to matter for a long time, the faster you create your vision.

Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. What actions can I take NOW that will cause me to THANK MYSELF for in the future?
  2. What actions can I take NOW that will matter for a LONG TIME?

If you want to leave the weeds behind…

If you want to operate from your VISION…

The answers to those questions are exactly how to make it happen.

About Christine Rae

Founder of Certified Staging Professionals International, Best-Selling Author and Home Staging Pioneer

  • Want to become a Certified Staging Professional?
  • Are you stager who is struggling financially and wondering what it takes to build a profitable business that you love?
  • Are you a realtor who wants to add another service to your current offerings?

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Questions? Call us Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm EST. Our toll free number is: 1-888-STAGING (782-4464).

Christine Rae
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