Is Staging Practical?

“But, is it really practical? With kids?”

As a mom, I can appreciate her question. In this case, she’s a mom of 4, all under the age of 10. The age where kids have free roam of the home along with their toys. Where the concept of children and a tidy home are not exactly synonymous.

When staging your home, concessions need to be made. Depending on what will need to be done, furniture may have to be rearranged, and not necessarily to your liking. Decluttering is paramount, as is depersonalizing. All of your personal photos, and collections will need to be pre-packed. Many of the kids toys will have to be stored, leaving only a few of their favorites. Painting, repairs, updating light fixtures– all things you may have assumed the new owners would do, you will have to tackle yourself.

You’re still living in your home, but not really living in it. It’s like living out of a suitcase.

When selling your home, you are living under a microscope. The way around this? Get out from under the microscope fast.

While there will be inconveniences, staging your home boasts a higher return on your investment. Staged homes sell at an average of 50-70% faster than a non-staged home and for more money. The investment is less than the cost of a price reduction. It’s short term pain for a long term gain.

At the time of our conversation, their home had already been on the market for over 4 months and with a price reduction. In the end, they opted not to stage their home.

Had they staged their home for sale to begin with, this could have been avoided.  Losing money, the added stress of a home that is not moving and countless showings.  All it starts with is a consultation.

There a several reasons why a home owner opts to pass on staging.  Perhaps they don’t know enough about it or understand the purpose behind it.  Others are reluctant to spend money on a home they’re not going to stay in or perhaps they don’t see the benefit of it. Or maybe it’s because in the past, staging was not a part of the home selling process.

Considering that home staging is still very new, it’s easy to understand why people don’t see the necessity of it.

Before defining it, it helps to understand what staging is not.  Staging is not decorating.  Staging is not about appealing to the home owners.  Staging is not an expense.  It is not hiding flaws from the prospective buyer.  Staging is no longer an “option”.

Staging is preparing your home for sale.  Staging is a marketing plan for your home to appeal to the greatest number of prospective buyers.  It’s an investment that protects your greatest investment.   It is a necessity.

Their house sat on the market for over a year, with even further price reductions.  The losses didn’t stop there, because for several months they were left carrying two mortgages. In today’s economy, I don’t need to tell you that this is a risk most people cannot afford to take.

Is staging practical? Yes, absolutely.

Originally posted here.

Nicole Schenk
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