Get To Know Jennifer Houghton – 2019 RESA Minneapolis Area Chapter Board Member

The RESA Minneapolis Area Chapter started 3 years ago and has been growing ever since. Jennifer Houghton serves on the local board as the VP of Membership. She has only been staging for one year and is already giving back to her staging community! The VP of Membership is responsible for membership efforts, such as monitoring membership records, and maintaining a current membership roster.

We asked Jennifer a few questions to get to know her a little better when she joined the 2019 board.

Get To Know Jennifer Houghton

  1. What is your favorite meal after a long day of staging?
    Chipotle Bowl
  2. What type of music do you listen do while staging?
    Typically top 40
  3. What is your best advice for anyone who is looking to get into the staging industry?
    Be ready for a crazy life! Working with realtors and home sellers is an emotional and busy career.
  4. What did you do before you were a home stager?
    14 years in marketing
  5. What do you enjoy doing with your free time?
    Spending time with my three little kids and family.

If you would like to attend a local RESA chapter, check out our Chapter Directory here to get in touch with the board for more details! You can also reach out to The Real Estate Staging Association’s Chapter Coordinator, Vanessa.

Felicia Pulley
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