Kathy Mauzey 2019 RESA Dallas Chapter Treasurer

The RESA Dallas Chapter was started in April of 2013 and has 23 active members. They meet the second Tuesday of each month to network, share ideas, and learn from industry professionals about how they can grow their home staging business.

Get to know The 2019 RESA Dallas Chapter Treasurer

  1. How long have you been staging? 
    I started my business in 2016, but I have really been staging my whole life.
  2. What are you most excited for in 2019 in regards to your local chapter?
    We have a great group of ladies in the leadership roles and are planning some new, interesting meetings on topics with information to help our members grow their businesses and interact more with other members.  Looking forward to a great 2019 with the RESA Dallas Chapter.

  3. What goals do you have for your position on your local RESA board?  
    Smoothing out the payment process for our members and new members as they renew their memberships and giving feedback and suggestions on what the chapter can do throughout the year to help grow membership.
  4. What is your favorite meal after a long day of staging?
    If I am near an In and Out Burger I will grab that for dinner when I’m finished with a job.  It’s my little reward!
  5. What type of music do you listen do while staging?
    “Hall and Oats” radio on Pandora.
  6. What is your best advice for anyone who is looking to get into the staging industry?
    If you are going to do it, do it as a true business and run it as such.  Be professional and trustworthy always and go the extra mile for your clients.
  7. What would you share with someone who is thinking about attending their local RESA chapter?
    Please go support your local chapter.   The feedback and interaction with the other stagers helps everyone.
  8. What did you do before you were a home stager?
    I was an event planner and trade show manager in the corporate world.
  9. Who is one stager or designer you would like to shadow for a day?
    Courtney Schomburg with INhance IT! Home Staging.  She is an amazing business professional and stager.
  10. What do you enjoy doing with your free time?
    Attending kids sporting events, dinner with my husband, working out and just chilling watching my favorite Bravo TV shows.

Learn more about Kathy Mauzey and her staging business Cottonwood Creek Staging here.

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