2018 RESA Delaware Valley Chapter President Shares Her Hope For The Staging Community

Being involved in a Leadership position for the Real Estate Staging Association allows you to get involved with your local staging community, while making a difference in the home staging industry. RESA Headquarters is so thankful for those leaders who are making way in their communities and dedicating their time and knowledge to advance professionalism and excellence in real estate staging.

Reflecting With Lia Rogers 2018 RESA Delaware Valley Chapter President

1. What made you decide to get involved in RESA leadership?
I was really not focused on a leadership role, but it came along with bringing access to the South New Jersey staging community.  New Jersey looks small on a map, but it really is quite spread out and travel to any chapter was about an hour each way.
2. What do you hope to see for the staging industry in the next 5 years?
New Jersey is finally embracing staging, and we are being included more often as a marketing strategy among agents, flippers, sellers, and developers. Over the next 5 years I would like to see staging be more the norm, and a requirement when selling a property!
Learn more about the RESA Delaware Valley Chapter here.
Learn more about Lia here.
Felicia Pulley
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