Molly Hendricks 2018 RESA Greater Nashville Chapter President Reflects

Molly Hendricks

Being involved in a Leadership position for the Real Estate Staging Association allows you to get involved with your local staging community, while making a difference in the home staging industry. RESA Headquarters is so thankful for those leaders who are making way in their communities and dedicating their time and knowledge to advance professionalism and excellence in real estate staging.

Reflecting With Molly Hendricks 2018 RESA Greater Nashville Chapter President

Molly Hendricks

1. What made you decide to get involved in RESA leadership? 
When I went through my training as a stager (by The Decorologist), I learned that there wasn’t a RESA Nashville chapter. So I took that as a sign that I should start our chapter! And it was a natural next step(s) to be President…then President-elect…then President again….and Treasurer next year. 🙂
2. What are you most proud of accomplishing during your time in RESA leadership?
Bringing together this VERY supportive, active, engaged group of [mostly] women to learn from each other and foster business relationships as well as personal friendships. And knowing that we are all striving toward the goal of elevating the awareness of (and proving the necessity of) staging here in Nashville. Making progress slow and steady.
3. What have you gained from being a part of leadership?
More than I can list! Here are a few:
1) many genuine new friendships; 2) the respect of my peers; 3) confidence in myself and in my work; 4) a sense of accomplishment re: the “greater good.”
4. Did you face any fears while being involved with leadership and if so how did you handle them?  
Yes. One of my biggest fears is speaking in front of groups. Leading meetings, etc. has never been something I enjoyed or looked forward to. Now, with “forced” practice and experience, I still get a little nervous but the subject matter and the audience are so close to my heart that it doesn’t really feel like I’m “speaking”–it’s more like sharing and collaborating.
Learn more about Molly’s business here.
Follow the RESA Greater Nashville Chapter on Facebook here.
Felicia Pulley
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