New Year, New Colors, New Textures

New year, new colors, new textures, and new fabrics are some of the great changes that we expect to see for the furniture and décor in 2020. All of the international design shows and current style blogs have gold and cooper continuing to be a strong presence in the décor world, but with more eclectic shapes. In furniture, there is combining more natural elements to make it cozier for the home, using warmer materials such as lighter woods, different stones, and even bone.

The Boho Chic trend is becoming more and more popular, and we have seen a few colors being specified such as Mustard yellow, Emerald Green, and shades of nude.  We see a downtrend of machine finishes such as chrome plating and brushed stainless, with customers focusing on hand finished which goes with the softer and warmer colors.

The furniture business has become similar to the fashion business where customers are expecting to change the décor of their homes now in less than 5 years, just as we do with our clothing. Why do we want our house to look the same forever right? This means affordability is a key factor in order to achieve this, customers want to spend less money and they want to change it more frequently.

As Millennials and Generation Z move to metropolitan areas and changing ideas of how they view their homes, our entire industry needs to keep up with their needs, tastes, and buying habits. Stagers, designers, and retailers need to be even more bold and current with the latest trends in order to appeal to these new consumers buying for their rooms, apartments, or homes for the first time.

Serena Martin
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