Preparation for Holiday 2019 And Merchandising Our Products On Your Website And Store

The holiday season is almost here, and as usual, it will present thousands of business owners and retailers nationwide a window of opportunity. This special period always offers businesses a chance to sell their products at break-neck pace, make impressive turnovers and accrue huge profits within a short time frame. Unfortunately, most retailers wait until it’s too late to get ready, while others never really seize the moment to jumpstart sales.

According to a survey report by the National Retail Federation (NRF), America’s largest retail trade association, lots of retailers, both small and medium-size businesses realize within the last two months of the year, about 20-40 percent of their annual sales. Smart business owners are always proactive in setting up machineries to ensure they make the best of the season. The time to position your business to cash in on this gold mine is now. Here are a few tips to help you get ready.

  • Have a Plan – The first thing you must have in place is a strategy to maneuver through the season. This must be sketched out quite early. In fact, experts observe that successful businesses make the preparation for holiday sales an all-year affair. This means that they focus on building a reputable business brand all year which in turn will attract the customer’s loyalty. Once customer’s loyalty is secured, they will be less likely to shop elsewhere during the holidays.
  • Get Extra Hands and Retrain Staff – Getting extra hands as well as retraining staff is very essential if must have a smooth ride through the holiday shopping rush. It positions your business to effectively manage the influx of customers. Staff also need to be trained in key areas of customer service.
  • Choose Product Inventory Wisely – The rule is simple, during the holidays, shops must stock what the customers want to buy. Holiday shoppers are usually looking for some specific items that is of interest to them and relevant for the season. So, retailers can only realize huge sales, if they capture what is likely to be in high demand, narrow merchandise assortments and front the best-selling products on their platforms.
  • Community Presence – Businesses that hope to thrive amidst the stiff competition, especially during the festivities must have already secured an impressive presence in their communities or on the net. They must utilize several channels including social media to get the word out about their business. This will require embarking on extensive and efficient campaigns and promotions. They can also win the heart of their community by sponsoring local events, giving to charity and hosting public symposiums. 
  • Marketing and Advertisement – Targeted marketing and advertisements are crucial during the holiday to drive in traffic to any business. Large outfits go for massive radio, television and newspaper campaigns, however small and medium-sized business can explore low income avenues for reaching customers at a reduced cost. They can take advantage of channels such as email marketing, online ads and social media marketing. However, adverts must be strategically directed at a specific audience in other to yield desired results.
  • Leverage HomeRoots: This is where HomeRoots comes into the picture. Our company is poised to assist your business in order to effectively maximize the holiday sales rush. is a B2B furniture and home decor wholesale platform that seeks to redefine the character of personal interior curation. HomeRoots parades an almost inexhaustible stock of products ranging from home furniture, lighting and decoration accessories, coupled with first-rate delivery service. These along with other unique incentives, has established it as a trusted name in the B2B line of service.

Our mission amongst others is to provide retailers nationwide with unparalleled B2B online shopping experience synonymous to what is obtainable with its B2C counterpart. With regards to this, our service pack is structured to alleviate common drawbacks retail businesses encounter with B2B services such as availability, protracted period of delivery, warehousing and distribution. All of these comes in an unbelievably friendly and unrivaled price rate. 

There is no better time to take advantage of our wide collection of home furniture and décor accessories with excellent customer service then now. Whether you run a store online or at a physical location, there is something at HomeRoots for you. The wait is over, head on to our website at to discover a whole new world of amazing possibilities. Stack up your store inventory with our array of fabulously modern furniture entries. 

Our experienced and courteous team of technical personnel is always available to offer guidance. They will assist you to effortlessly get through with all the logistics. What’s more? Delivery is available within days from multiple distribution centers across the nation. We look forward to doing business with you soon. 


Gil Bar-Lev

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