Six Clear Signs You’re Ready to Get Involved in RESA® Leadership

Growth is not a given, when the chance to grow your real estate staging business presents itself, the only way forward is to maximize on opportunities. Getting involved in RESA® leadership within your local chapter is one such opportunity.

Home staging is highly competitive, and gone are the days when staging professionals worked against each other.

Joining RESA® leadership can help your career, whether you’re a novice or seasoned stager. You’ll connect with other professionals in real estate both locally and nationally.

Most significantly, it will begin a constructive cycle of reputation enhancement that can help you attract new clients and strengthen your connections with current ones. 

Wondering if you are ready to take that next step?

Here are some signs that you may be ready to step up and help lead your local chapter by getting involved in RESA® leadership:

You Understand That Diversity Is Key For Every Board

When it comes to leadership positions within RESA, one of the most important things to understand is the importance of diversity. Every board needs different perspectives to make smart decisions for the betterment of the organization.

You know you’re ready to be a leader at RESA® when you realize the same people can’t continue volunteering in their roles forever.

Our leaders have a wide variety of skills with various professional skills to contribute.

RESA Leadership new england chapter
RESA New England Chapter Meeting about Sherwin Williams new offerings

You’re ready to make positive changes in your life by giving back to your staging community.

Leadership is about desire—the desire to make a difference, and it usually begins from your immediate environment, the staging community. You’re ready to take on a leadership role and help shape the future of RESA®. You’re excited to learn and grow as a professional, and willing to work hard to achieve your goals.

But most importantly, you understand the importance of giving back. You know that by sharing your knowledge and experiences, you can help other stagers reach their potential. You’re ready to commit yourself and your industry and prepared to lead the way for the next generation of stagers.

You want the opportunity to collaborate and make decisions with other leaders.

It’s time for you to get involved in leadership within RESA®  if you’re prepared to collaborate and make decisions with other leaders who can improve the home staging industry together.

You want the opportunity to work with other professionals who share your commitment to quality and your dedication to making a difference.

You recognize that the strength of our industry lies in the united efforts of people who care about their work and want the best for everyone involved.

Amy Dennison, who previously served on the RESA Greater Nashville Chapter Board shared her reason she encourages others to get involved in leadership opportunities,

Working with other home stagers helps EVERYONE and the industry as a whole,  and the industry needs us so that we all become more and more relevant and we keep standards high!
RESA Greater Nashville chapter meeting with RESA Leaders and members
RESA Greater Nashville Chapter meeting about tax deductions, bookkeeping and more

You want to make deeper connections in the community you serve and grow your network of peers and other community leaders.

If you want to make deeper connections in the community you serve and grow your network of peers and other community leaders, then RESA® leadership may be an excellent fit for you. Our organization provides a platform for educators to come together and share their experiences, learn from one another, and make a real impact in the field of education.

If you’re ready to take on a new challenge and want to help shape the future of education, then we encourage you to get involved in leadership at a local level. It’s an opportunity to make a difference and contribute your unique perspective to the conversation. We would love to have you on board!

You’re Ready to Go All In

If you can’t wait to start, you’re ready to get involved in RESA® leadership.

But it’s not just about having the passion and energy—you must be prepared to go all in. That means dedicating yourself to the cause, putting in the time and effort, and being willing to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.

You realize that being involved in leadership with RESA® means showing up, keeping your commitments, being a continuous learner, sharing your skills, and being inclusive.

The RESA Denver Metro Chapter networking.

You’re ready to make a difference.

To remain at the top, RESA® needs a committed leadership. You are a prime candidate for this role if you can set aside two to four hours a month to invest in building and growing something great, making new friendships and increasing professional credibility.

RESA® facilitates a wide network of professionals and stakeholders.  But to remain impactful, leaders like you need to come through its ranks and secure the future. The future of the community is secure if we continue growing it, under the right leadership. This starts at your local charter— we need your energy, your enthusiasm, and your passion for RESA®. 

Sign up to get involved if any of these signs spoke to you, and let’s start making a difference together.

Gina Vierra

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