So, You Want To Quit Your Day Job And Be a Home Stager?

Join Audra Slinkey of HSR for a FREE, LIVE WEBINAR on “How to Quit Your Day Job and Become a Stager and Designer – 8 Key Steps to Success!” on June 12th at 1pm (pacific time).

Are you struggling to grow your staging business?  Feeling distracted and don’t know what to focus on most to grow your income?
Then join Audra on her last FREE, live webinar before she takes the summer off.  She will be sharing stories and steps to success for quitting your day job and going full time with your staging business!

In this information packed webinar, you will learn:

  1. Why some stagers struggle and other stagers soar in their business
  2. How to stay focused and get momentum and traction
  3. How to just get started and the key steps to make you an official entrepreneur
  4. Pricing, process and planning secrets to credibility
  5. Tons of before and after photos and stories of people just like you
It’s free, at your convenience and available for everyone – so join in!
Felicia Pulley
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