LIVE Webinar: Create Your Own Home Stager’s Calendar For 2019

Join Home Staging Resource, The First RESA Accredited Training Company for a free, live webinar on creating a doable “Stager’s Calendar” that will help you plan and set goals for an amazing 2019 on Jan 9th!

What you will learn During This Live Webinar:

o   Looking Back to Move Forward

o   How to Dream Big but Be Realistic

o   4 Key Questions to Ask Yourself During the Goal Setting Phase

o   Systems Rather Than Goals and Steps to Take You There

o   The Home Stager and Designer’s Marketing Calendar for a Year of Content Marketing

o   6 Tangible Goals for Stagers of All Levels and the Steps to Achievement

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Who is Home Staging Resource:

HSR believes that having the “eye for design” necessary for staging a home to sell is not something that can be taught in a three-day home staging training class. You either “have it” or you don’t. Our members “have it” and are people who have been formally or informally studying the interior decorating field all of their lives, have a passion and natural talent for transforming interiors, and are the “decorating gurus” for friends and family.

Bring HSR your natural decorating talent and we’ll show you how to make a successful business out of doing what you love AND are good at!

Felicia Pulley
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