Yolanda Tillman, RESA Ambassador Will be the 2022 RESACON Volunteer Chair

Meet RESACON Volunteer Chair, Yolanda Tillman 

Yolanda has volunteered for RESACON each year since attending her first RESACON in 2017.  She was appointed RESACON Volunteer Co-Chair in 2018 and will serve as the Chair again this year.  Yolanda is also the first RESA Ambassador and continues to enjoy connecting with RESA Chapter Leaders around the US and Canada in this capacity.  If you have questions about volunteering Yolanda can be reached at Yolanda.Tillman@Starpower.net. 

A Great Way to Give Back to Your Home Staging Comminity

Are you attending RESACON Vegas 2022?  Are you a people person? Would you like an easy way to meet new people? Is this your first time at RESACON and feeling like you wish you knew someone else attending? Volunteer with us! With all the moving parts of an event the size of RESACON, volunteers are a key element to a successful and rewarding event. 

As a non-profit association without an army of personnel, tending to all of our guests and overseeing every detail at RESACON can be challenging. RESA® is a member-run organization and we need dedicated member support to make the industry’s largest event of the year a success! We need some detail-oriented volunteers to assist with registration, charismatic greeters to make everyone feel welcome, badge checkers to keep the wanderers from crashing our party and ‘information mavens’ to direct attendees and share general information.

Volunteering is a form of networking, participation, and communal responsibility. Each year RESA has approximately 250 members who volunteer their time monthly all year long in their local communities and give back to other members freely to support the industry and their association. Volunteering enhances the event experience, encourages you to meet new people, and helps you feel more connected to the community while serving on a team to help make the event a success…and it’s fun!

Click here now to Volunteer for RESACON 2022!

Joanna Fraley

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