What Buyers Really, Really Want, part 1

Overall Top Wants:

  1. Ninety-four percent of respondents to a survey by the National Association of Home Builders said they wanted Energy Star-rated appliances. 91% wanted an Energy Star-rating for the entire home, 89% wanted Energy Star-rated windows and 88% wanted ceiling fans.
  2. Cost savings are the main reason energy efficiency is a desirable characteristic. Seventy-three percent of those surveyed said projected utility costs would influence their purchase decision. On average, home buyers were willing to pay $7,095 more for a home that would save them $1,000 a year in utility cost.
  3. Storage is paramount. Ninety-three percent of buyers want a laundry room big enough to work and store things in, 90% want a bathroom linen closet, 86% want garage storage, and 85% want a walk-in pantry. Surprisingly, buyers also want three-car garages in order to have space for two cars plus storage.
Christine Rae
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