Post 2 of 2: Ten Often Overlooked Tips To Get Your Property SOLD


6. Keep all bedrooms Gender neutral including kids’ rooms and Master! Don’t think “oh they can make the mental shift,” they can’t, won’t and don’t. You have a three minute opportunity to get this house sold – why would you jeopardize a single second?
7. Bathrooms are the second most important rooms in the house so if you have money- upgrade what you can, at least in the main bath. Change the old cabinet style sink for a pedestal or furniture sink and remember storage is vital so in the extra space gleaned consider installing an organized linen closet- with deep pull out drawers.
8. Odor and Allergens ALERT! Over the past 50 years more than ever before the rise in prevalence of allergic diseases has increased exponentially. Worldwide, sensitization rates to one or more common allergens, is approaching 50%! You don’t know whether the future buyer is one of them! SO: know when you live in your house you will not be able to smell what others do, so assume the worst and prepare. Best option- no smells at all! Open windows, don’t use household or garden chemical products (buy safe cleaning products here: If you have pets remove them from the property for the duration of sales process (spa, friend, family).
9. Lighting: All over the house make sure every light bulb is energy efficient and at the highest wattage the light fixture will take. Clean all the fixtures for maximum sparkle and consider replacing any fixture older than 8-10 years.
10. 74% of prospect buyers will drive by your property before they even think about viewing it and half of them will do it at night. What that means to you is considerable thought going into curb appeal! Never underestimate its power. Curb appeal done well is like gift wrapping on a present! The National Association of Realtors said “Great curb appeal sells more than half of ALL houses that go on the market” The allure captures interest. Outdoor Lighting is vital; it goes without saying to light up the porch, be sure the numbers of the house are illuminated and visible from the street but also consider lighting pathways, spotlight a feature of the property- a dramatic tree or front façade of house. Landscape experts agree there is 100% ROI for monies invested in front, back and side yards. Curb appeal wraps around to resort/lifestyle living in the backyard too. It is one of the most undervalued aspects of Market Preparedness that can actually add dollars to your bottom line! Ninety five percent of people surveyed Said outdoor living amenities are vital! Outdoor allure extends also to balconies, decks and patios. Give people what they least expect; they don’t know they want it but when they see it they can’t resist. …the more you can accommodate that the easier it is to sell.

Read Part 1

Photo by Colleen Donovan – CMD Home Staging

Christine Rae
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