TRANSLATED – Twitter to English:
Join Marketing Addict Angela Brooks as She Shares Twitter Basics for RESA Members and their Agents on September 11th, 2011 – 7-9pm – FREE Webinar.
What are the # and @ doing in this invitation? Why are online savvy business people shortening their marketing messages to 140 characters or less to interact and engage with potential new clients and how does anyone read these coded messages anyway?!
Attend this free webinar and you & your clients will learn:
- How to set up a Twitter page
- How to read the language of Twitter
- 15 ideas for status updates (for stagers & agents)
- How to stay on top of industry news & topics of interest
- Who to follow and how to get people following you
- About a tool for posting and updating both facebook & twitter (and linked in!) statuses all at once
- How to schedule messages in the future & more!
Register Today – Twitter Basics – September11th, 2011 7pm-9pm
Are you already an active Twitter user? Do you wish more of the agents in your area could see how effectively you are marketing for them on Twitter and how they too could be reaching more clients to attract more listings and buyers for their staged properties? Invite your clients + agents in your local market to this Free Webinar – Twitter is a powerful engaging tool….with millions of people tweeting daily!
Angela invites you to follow her on Twitter – or @angeladbrooks – She shares marketing tips, ideas and strategies to attract more clients

Angela Brooks, Marketing Coach and Director for the CSP™ International Business Training Academy and Owner of OTB Marketing & Design a worldwide graphic and web development company that specializes in taking the project one though (or more) beyond the design. Angela is the author of Success of Marketing, a workbook used in business programs across North America. Angela’s marketing technique, through coaching, teleclasses and workshops have been instrumental in the growth of many small businesses since 2001. Her experience includes: high exposure branding, product development, cross promotion, internet marketing, advertising and course development.
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