The Power of Rapport In Building Your Home Staging Business

Remember the old saying that how you say something is often as important as what you say? Well, that’s certainly true when it comes to the best and brightest home stagers. It’s not enough to have excellent design skills; you also need strong “people” skills to build the rapport that lets realtors know you can get the job done for their clients and allows you to guide home sellers through the often-delicate process of turning a household back into a house for sale.

The rapport you build with realtors allows them to trust you to care for their clients-whether you’re conducting a pre-staging consultation or a full-service staging-even in the stickiest situation. And we all know that realtor referrals are one of the best and fastest ways to build your staging business.

The rapport you build with home sellers not only allows them to be open to your guidance, but helps them begin to see their home as a marketable product. Before you ask home sellers to pack away their favorite collections, take down their personal photos and remove all traces of their beloved pets, they need to trust that you are an ally who has their best interest at heart. Strong interpersonal skills allow you to reach out to home sellers by discussing their needs and goals, educating them about the whys of home staging as well as the hows, and responding to their questions and concerns in kind, caring manner.

Top stagers never forget that depersonalizing a home is a highly personal matter. Every seller has a story that got them to the point of putting their home on the market. It may involve death, divorce, financial difficulties or a work transfer that has temporarily separated their family. Whatever the circumstance, mixing in a little warmth and understanding with your professional staging guidance can encourage home sellers to let go and move forward with their lives. No, we’re not psychotherapists, but our work does touch people’s lives in a very intimate way.

So, it’s important to remember that just as you can’t build a sturdy house without a solid foundation, you can’t build a successful home staging business without strong interpersonal skills.

Linda Barnett

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