RESA Member, Mikaela Rios of Imagine Gurus recently facilitated a RESA Kickoff meeting in San Antonio. There were ten in attendance, all stagers in the San Antonio Metro area, hosted by Cort. Noleen Bester, RESA Central Texas Chapter President, and Amy George, RESA Texas State President, traveled from Austin to support the effort.
They (Noleen and Amy) offered a wealth of knowledge and optimism, generated interest, and were so very encouraging! I and the others in attendance were so grateful they were there! Talk about support! And thank you, Shell and Gina, for making the kick off process so easy.” ~Mikaela Rios
Candidates are being accepted now for board positions followed by a strategic planning meeting with RESA-hq to make it all official.
- Announcing Our First RESA Ambassador - October 5, 2021
- Diversity is being invited to the party; Inclusion is being asked to dance - October 5, 2020
- An Open Letter From RESA Leader Yolanda Tillman - September 25, 2020